ADA names Dr. Raymond Cohlmia as New Executive Director
Published: Wednesday, May 12, 2021
ADA names Dr. Raymond Cohlmia as New Executive Director
The University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry extends a heartfelt congratulations to Dean Raymond A. Cohlmia, D.D.S., on his appointment as the new executive director of the American Dental Association, the nation’s leading advocate for oral health, effective November 15.
“My experience at the OU College of Dentistry has been instrumental in preparing me for this new role with the American Dental Association,” said Dr. Cohlmia. “This is an incredible honor and an opportunity that will allow me to serve the entire dental profession. It is, however, bittersweet. I am proud to be a part of the OU College of Dentistry and am confident the college will maintain its tradition of clinical excellence moving forward. I will forever be indebted to this college, this university, and the people of Oklahoma.”
Dr. Cohlmia is a 1988 graduate of the OU College of Dentistry. Along with 26 years of private practice experience, he served the college as Assistant Dean for Patient Care and Director of Comprehensive Care before he was appointed dean in 2015. Dr. Cohlmia served an integral role in the college’s Legacy Project, a $20 million capital campaign. He also led the college through a change in curriculum, converting to a comprehensive care clinical education model. Additionally, under his leadership, the college has seen a record number of applications for the dental program and a record number of patients served each year.
“Dean Cohlmia is a transformative leader for the OU College of Dentistry, achieving recognition as one of the top dental programs in the country,” said Jason R. Sanders, MD, MBA, Senior Vice President and Provost of the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. “Dr. Cohlmia likewise is a leader for our OU Health Sciences Center and a trusted ambassador for dental professionals across Oklahoma. We are tremendously proud for his once-in-a-lifetime opportunity at the American Dental Association to advance dentistry and oral health across the nation and globe.”
Dr. Cohlmia will begin onboarding to his new position at the American Dental Association on October 1. The college is currently working with university leadership to determine a plan of succession. More details will be shared as they are finalized.
Read the American Dental Association news release here.
The OU College of Dentistry is home to the state’s only doctor of dental surgery program and baccalaureate degree program in dental hygiene. More than 60 percent of the state of Oklahoma’s dentists are graduates of the OU College of Dentistry. The college provides general dental care and specialty care to Oklahomans through student, resident and faculty practice clinics. The OU College of Dentistry has established a reputation of training its students to provide the highest quality of clinical care available.