Emergency Care
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Emergency Care

Emergency treatment is intended primarily to alleviate pain and will be limited in scope. In our student clinics, a set number of emergency appointments are available Monday through Friday on a first-come, first-served basis. Patients are expected to pay for services before the procedure is performed. Patients may qualify for Patient Assistance Funding for non-covered services.

Extraction Clinic

  • Oklahoma City: To schedule an appointment at the Oklahoma City Extraction Clinic or to learn about the hours and fees, please call 405-271-4079. The Oklahoma City Extraction Clinic is located at the OU College of Dentistry, 1201 N. Stonewall Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK.

Emergency Walk-In Clinic

  • Tulsa: To schedule an appointment at the Tulsa Emergency Walk-In Clinic, please call 918-619-4000. Appointments are available on a first-come, first-served basis on Mondays and Thursdays from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. Emergency treatment is intended to alleviate immediate pain and is limited in scope. Emergency treatment does not automatically enroll a patient into the student program. The Tulsa Emergency Walk-In Clinic is located at the OU College of Dentistry’s Delta Dental of Oklahoma Comprehensive Care Clinic, 4444 E. 41st Street in Tulsa, OK. 

Emergency Tooth Restoration

  • Oklahoma City: If you have a tooth requiring immediate attention and would like to schedule an appointment at our Oklahoma City Clinic, please call 405-271-7744. 
  • Tulsa: If you have a tooth requiring immediate attention and would like to schedule an appointment at our Tulsa Clinic, please call 918-619-4000.

Note: An emergency appointment does not automatically enroll a patient in The University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry student program. If you are interested in receiving continued care in our student clinics, please click here to apply.

If you have a life-threatening emergency or have experienced severe dental trauma, please call 911 or go to your nearest hospital emergency room immediately.