Tulsa Assignment
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Prospective Students - Tulsa Assignment

Interested in completing your dental education in Tulsa? The College of Dentistry offers an option to complete years three and four of the DDS program at the OU-Tulsa Schusterman Center Campus. See below for frequently asked questions about the Tulsa Clinic Assignment and if this is the right option for you. Learn more about the Tulsa Dental Clinic.


  1. Is the curriculum the same for students in Oklahoma City and Tulsa?
    1. Yes. Students in Oklahoma City and students in Tulsa will be enrolled in exactly the same curriculum. Any changes made to enhance the curriculum will apply equally to OKC and Tulsa students.
  2. Who is eligible to be assigned to the Tulsa Clinic?
    1. All students who have passed all courses during years 1 and 2 with a minimum grade of “C,” “S,” or “P” are eligible for assignment to the Tulsa Clinic.
    2. Advanced Standing Program for International Dentists (ASPID) students are not eligible for assignment to the Tulsa Clinic.
    How many students may be assigned to the Tulsa Clinic?
    1. A maximum of (8) third-year and (8) fourth-year students may be selected and assigned by the college to the Tulsa Clinic.
  3. What if more students want to be assigned to the Tulsa Clinic than there are available slots?
    1. If there are more students who wish to complete years 3 and 4 of their dental education in Tulsa than there are available slots, the college will enter the names of all eligible students into a lottery to determine who is assigned to the Tulsa Clinic.
  4. Will being assigned to the Tulsa Clinic affect my financial aid?
    1. Students assigned to the Tulsa Clinic will be enrolled on the OU-Tulsa Schusterman Center Campus. This will have no impact on financial aid.
  5. If assigned to the Tulsa Clinic, will I need to travel to the College of Dentistry in Oklahoma City?
    1. Students assigned to the Tulsa Clinic will be required to come to the College of Dentistry in Oklahoma City for their Implantology and Orthodontics rotations. They will be reimbursed at the externship rate for travel and lodging associated with completion of these multi-day rotations.
  6. The OU College of Dentistry sponsors several events in which students provide free dental care under the supervision of qualified dental faculty. If assigned to the Tulsa Clinic, will I be able to participate?
    1. Yes; absolutely! “Tulsa students” are OU College of Dentistry students; they are encouraged to participate in all events sponsored by our student organizations and the college, such as our annual Kids’ Day clinic, Veterans’ Day clinic, and Scientific Day at which students present findings from research projects and describe new and innovative clinical techniques. 
  7. If I am assigned to the Tulsa Clinic, where will I take my board exams?
    1. Board exams will be offered at the OU College of Dentistry in Oklahoma City. We currently host the CDCA, which administers ADEX Dental licensure examinations, at the college. For more information, including a list of states that accept ADEX,click here.