Graduate Periodontics Apply Parent Page: Academic Programs id: 27428 Active Page: Graduate Periodontics Applyid:27434

Application Deadline

Applications for ADEA PASS and OUHSC Graduate College are currently being accepted.

Graduate Periodontics Application Process

The Graduate Periodontics Program will participate in the Phase I of the Match during the Fall 2024 application cycle (for students who will start the residency in July 2025). Applicants must register with the Match program. The Match and ADEA PASS share a registration portal for applicants, which will open mid-May. Applicants will be charged for the Match registration fee at that time. For more information, you can visit the Match website.

Interviews for the Program will be held in September 2024. Applicants and programs will submit rank order lists to the Match in late October to early November. Final results of the Match are released to applicants and programs in late November. See the Match website for further details. 


Required Materials


 Upload the following to ADEA PASS:


  • Official Transcripts uploaded to ADEA PASS (all colleges, dental school).
    • If you have attended a non-U.S. college/university, it is required that all international transcripts be evaluated by WES or ECE foreign credentialing services. Official college and dental school transcripts must be evaluated through World Education Services--Foreign Academic Credential Evaluation (WES) or Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE). The Office of Admissions and Records will accept both WES and ECE credential evaluation from International Applicants. For more information, you can visit the WES and ECE websites. 
    • The Program will not consider applicants with a GPA below 3.0
  • Three Letters of Recommendation (Professional Evaluation Forms) uploaded to ADEA PASS.
  • Dean's Letter (Institution Evaluation Form) submitted by the Dean's Office to ADEA PASS.
    • This letter/form will include GPA, Class Rank and National Board Examination Scores
  • Curriculum-vitae uploaded to ADEA PASS.
  • Personal Motivation Statement (Essay) uploaded to ADEA PASS.

Step 2: Graduate College Application

Submit the Application for Admission form and fee of $75 to the Graduate College online.

  • Opens May 2024

Step 3: Send Test Scores

Send a scanned copy of the following to at the Program Office:

  • NBDE score (if applicable)
  • TOEFL score (if applicable)
    • A minimum TOEFL iBT test score of 95 is required.
  • ADAT scores (if applicable)


Deena Electericiteh
Graduate Periodontics Coordinator – Administration & Finance