The Student American Dental Hygiene Association (SADHA) cultivates, promotes, and sustains the art and science of dental hygiene, represents and safeguard the common interest of the members of the dental hygiene profession, and contributes toward the improvement of the oral health of the public.
2024-2025 Officers:
KK Dequasie (Weatherford)
Vice President
Avery Clark (Weatherford)
Blakely Barnett (Weatherford)
Legislative Chairperson
Aubrey Price (Weatherford)
Dou Doucette (OKC)
Site Chairpersons
OKC: Macie Noland
Ardmore: Jaleigh Durst
Bartlesville: Kenley Hays
Faculty Advisors
OKC: Ms. Clark, and Ms. Gerdts
Ardmore: Ms. Hays
Bartlesville: Ms. Dougherty
Weatherford: Ms. Tuck