OU College of Dentistry > Prospective Students > Staples Society
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Albert F. Staples Society

The mission of the Staples Society shall be to: [1] provide service to the University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry; [2] promote interaction of faculty, staff, students and residents; [3] fulfill emergency needs of the OUCOD family and; [4] provide service to the community. Staples shall sponsor and promote such activities, as it deems advisable and necessary in the furtherance of these purposes.

Officers 2024 - 2025

President: Ammara Zulfiqar

Vice President: Saniya Bukhari

Secretary: Ryleigh Mills

Treasurer: Aivi Nguyen

Oral Health Fair Chair: Saniya Bukhari

Big Brother/Big Sister Chairs: Sydney Davenport & Maci Duck

Habitat for Humanity Chair: Anum Raza

MLK Christmas Event Chairs: Saba Sefidabi & Maryam Tangarpour

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jeanne Sutton