Academic Programs Parent Page: Academic Programs id: -1 Active Page: Academic Programsid:14815

Required Immunizations

HSC program students who have patient-facing responsibilities are required to receive immunizations to protect patients and other health care providers. The University recognizes that vaccine requirements in certain University settings, in particular patient care settings, are both prudent and important. Vaccine requirements will be updated as appropriate, based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as medical and public health officials. Learn more, here

Programs Offered

General Programs

The College's general programs include both General Dentistry and Dental Hygiene. Both programs follow our comprehensive care model, which integrates all aspects of a dental office into our educational training. 

Technical Standards of Performance 

Doctor of Dental Surgery, D.D.S.

OUCOD_200 copyThe D.D.S. program is a four-year program that prepares students with the skills necessary to become a general dentist at graduation.



Advanced Standing for International Dentists (ASPID)

The ASPOUCOD_080 copyID program offers qualified graduates of international dental programs the opportunity to earn the Doctor of Dental Surgery (D.D.S.) degree in 2 ½ years.

Dental Hygiene Program, B.S.D.H.

The DH program is a two-year undergraduate program that prepares students to become registered dental hygienists.


Advanced Education Programs

The College's advanced education programs build upon the knowledge base of a competent general dentist and broadens understanding of the biomedical sciences, behavioral sciences, and clinical sciences, as well as the social issues related to the general health and well-being of the public. Both residencies and graduate programs are offered. 

Advanced Education in General Dentistry Residency

OUCOD_067 copyThe AEGD residency is designed to increase the knowledge and clinical capabilities of residents and to prepare them to enter into private practice.



Graduate Orthodontics Program

OUCOD_108 copyThe thirty-month orthodontic graduate program prepares graduate students to successfully practice orthodontics.




Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

OUCOD_220 copyThe OMS Residency is a four-year program that prepares residents to become oral and maxillofacial surgeons. The department also offers a Fellowship, Internship and Externship. 


Graduate Periodontics

OUCOD_181 copyThe Periodontics three-year graduate program focuses on educating graduate students in clinical periodontics and relevant basic sciences. The department also offers an Externship. 


Pediatric Dentistry Residency

OUCOD_135 copyThis highly-specialized, two-year residency program is sponsored by OU College of Dentistry, and it is integrated into the overall health care team at Oklahoma Children’s Hospital OU Health.